Saturday, August 21, 2010

updates...and new ideas!

      So things are truely catching on.... my neighbors are weed whacking today and picked up their bag of weeds we have been waiting for them to load for days. My husband reassured me that we need to praise and not complain..."that progress is progress".. it works!
    Then he came up with a new idea....Mini Yard we identified a couple of houses that are near our rental home. There were plenty of weeds, but more clutter and litter laying around:.with many renters in and out...there just seems to be a collection of C-RAP that they leave behind...
    You have to understand, that most of these folks are ranked in the top 20 Skiers in the Rocky's...just ask them, they will tell you~!  So, they find a need to move around, as the snow demands, and their bar stories get stale.. THEN ; they leave all their groovy furniture, tye died rugs, yellow, plastic single -buckle boots, and old, single gloves, you name it..ALL over the side of the yard, in the shrubs, and walkways. With the tons of rain this month, the wild growth on the mountain side is, well, wild, and hides a multitude of sins, and C-RAP!
      So, we only worked for as long as it took to load the junk in the truck ( full to the brim),  and drove away... I pulled enough weeds to fill 3 barrels, Jess swept up...and there we were..ta da!.a Mini Crash-)

I need to go back to work, so i can rest!
PS:  don't hold me to that statement-)

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