Friday, July 30, 2010

The Crash Was On!!....Happy Endings....

Front Yard looking great!

Pre Yard Crash View

Pre Yard Crash

post Crash-side yard
Well, I will try and not drag on too much about the saga...
It is the story, about a man named Robert Roberts...
He has a wife named Roberta, and 4 kids: Bobi, Bob, Berta and Bert.. they have a house in our neighborhood that is the poster child for noxious weeds, insects ( the icky kind), pollen, and small animals. Every other home is neatly manicured and represents the style of the families who live, retired, young couple, lots of teens; BUT all neat and clean..
We all thought that maybe they were part of the Burb's movie...kind of creepy, because they seemed to not care about the weeds, and let their kids play in them!!!
This is the house, that i sneaked over to work on the weeds on the sidewalk strip.... I CONFESSED  to my husband Jess that i was doing this...he wasn't too happy: "You are almost 6o you know!" "There is too much pollen"..."we shouldn't be in other people's yards.."  LATER, he said,,,if you want some help, l can weed wack and mow for you while you pile up weeds....
So, without permission, we just started. We had worked about an hour, when the homeowner came home... I was a bit nervous, as i apologized for not asking permission, but just wanted to lend a hand and get the strip done.. She was sooooooo appreciative and pleased....she was so glad, i told her we would do the WHOLE YARD!...she came out with the kids, gloves and joined in.   I began to understand why the weeds had been left untouched...they were overwhelmed and had no idea how to pull and chop weeds.
LOOONGG story-shorter.... it took 3 truck loads and two days of work in the sun. Jess and I worked day 2 by knock out the project... the front yard had a lovely lawn growing from the family's attempt at seeding in the early spring..Later, they  brought us a lovely homemade lasagna dinner with all the trimmings....which was doubly appreciated because i don't cook any thing homemade...
The yard looks so happy, the neighbors have commented how happy they are, and my muscles are sore and happy too!!!
check out the photos....kudos to Jess for his weed wacking skills!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

True Confessions

i found that Sunday morning is a great day for Stealth is v quiet around i was able to accomplish some quiet work...i strolled over to my neighbors, and finished their front strip that they have been slaving over last week...then i took my weed sprayer and hit the street...i sprayed the teeny weeds in the street gutters...(might as well get the nozzle working.)..
the whole length of one yard in the side...and then down my fence line, while stretching over the the fence into the neighbor...i call them neighbor loosely...nice people, but not interested in maintaining their yard....a candidate for Disaster Landscapes!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

HInts and Tips....

Hints & TIPS

As i have been sharing my blog, and reflecting on my reflections ( metacogniton-right K2?)...i have some aha's and pointers brought to light i would like to share:
*always have a weed digger in each yard-front, back and side- to meet your impulse for digging up an offending weed.
*for the same reason, have a jug of weed killer nearby, for those weeds you have been staring at for days, and have just had enough!!
*keep those extra gloves handy as does no good to be ready to work, and not have gloves ready. If you go inside to find some, you could be distracted by your dog, the phone, a snack, you name it, and i can get distracted by it!!
* a word about gloves; my sister has lovely hands and manicured nails....she suggests only the best gloves, so they do the job they were intended to do.
for some reason, i still wear my gloves that have holes in the fingers, may be dirtier than the dirt i am digging, and are usually wet from my most recent use in mud...needless to say, i have ragged fingernails and blisters. my plan is get a manicure when school starts and gardening slows down-)
* if you let weeds sit in a pile awhile, it seems easier to pick them up for the trash..
* K2 reminds me, if you have Green waste trash cans...keep them separate...recycle in blue
*its easier to pull weeds after they are soaked for awhile!
*suncreen daily, so you don't have to stop for a layer of spf before going outside..
a hat is always great!! don't worry about your the bugs and weed seeds you would get without it-)
*i talk to my weeds..i apologize to them, but tell them, " It is time..." I also look at weeds like fingernails or split ends that need to be trimmed...there is no pain involved, and it is for everybody's good-)
*if there are bugs and insects on the weeds, kill them too!..unless it is a pretty catepillars and grasshoppers included in the sweep...i know it sounds cold, but so be it!!

If you have a handy, dandy tip to share...feel free to post a comment or send an email;

Happy Digging!

ARRGH! how do i put images throughout the text...not just at the top?

PS: My Darling niece, Jenny, found a PINK mister at Walmart to attach to your garden is delightful..keeps your skin feeling lovely while gardening...
PPS: my Darling sister commented that weeding is forever Prison Work, and she would like an orange jumpsuit for her birthday!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Building materials repurposing

To make your yardscaping your own style, find things in your neighborhood, work, and property to help with your projects!

Here is a railroad post to make a rustic gate look right off the prairie...pavers from a rock distributor to finish a small yard...... we found stacks of these old, colored pavers in a lot to use as a border for a rock garden of perennials..all for nothing or pennies!

Landscaping Repurposing...

When you dig up those stubborn river rocks to plant in your flowerbeds and garden, use them to make your own drybeds. These work for rain downspouts, or to provide a break in your lawns..
*notice the grass from the landofwhereitdoesn't belong!

Weed paper is expensive..When i use bark in my planters, I use the bag it came in to help with weed
control..I also use the river rock to hold down the plastic! Another hint is to use newspaper as weed control. I use this when i want it to eventually decompose. Most newspapers use soy for ink these days, so it is not harmful to your plants.
* This area of the yard, is my 'Foster Care' bed. It is full of plants that have been replanted because they were not making it in other spots...OR a neighbor gave it to me to see if i could make it come back...Or the nursery was done with it, and let me take it home..This bed is doing well. I haven't lost anything yet.. some birds have added a strawberry plant of their own to the bed...jam soon to come!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Corrections and Confessions

Corrections: Well, I have rechecked my blogs and realize that i made a typical, classic, K1 i often make when i am rambling... i goof up my info-)
OF all the goofs, I mis stated the network of my favorite show, Yardcrasher. I said it was HGTV. It is actually DIY- Do It Yourself Network.
I thought i would list the shows by network, as i have some favs on each.
Yardcrashers- Bath Crashers-This Old House-and Turf Wars. I could brag that i come from a town where Clinton, Romney, McCain, Huntsman, and Pres Obama have visited...we have had the Main Street closed for the USC Marching Band. We have Paris, Jen, Brad, Sly, and Snoop Dawg cruise the town, and my daughter skied with the FBI when White House families were in town..HOWEVER, my favorite claim, is that a family friend was randomly chosen in California to be on Turf Wars with Ahmed....It was on at 11 pm and no one was up that i could call. Even his Mom told me, "What is Turf Wars? Who Watches Turf Wars"? I told her," I do! I do"!!
They lost, but still won a beautiful backyard makeover to relax and enjoy a pergola and new gardens....V cool!

HGTV- Home and Garden TV...
Curb Appeal; After the crew finishes your front yard, your neighbors are instantly pressured to spend money to keep up!
Holmes on Homes; ( Jess' fav)...a big guy in coveralls redoes your construction after a previous contractor goofed it all up.
House Hunters International- like a travel show for me....i get to vote, Will they choose Villa #1,..... the City High rise #2,...... or the Beach Cottage #3, ......for 1.2 mill?
and the Late Night Special... Design Star, where are own Color Splash host, David Bromstead, won his own show!

I cannot let this opportunity pass and not include, Style Network....Clean House!!! Nicey, Trish, Matt, and Mark redo the filthiest homes in the nation, in less than 48 hours!!!
I always, clean, vacuum, and sort after watching these 'moronathans' late at night. So that is why they are therapeutic!

Confession; I was busted twice this week while trespassing in yards!!! The first time I was with my niece and her daughter. We had the corgis, so we used them as our front...but we explained that we just wanted to see their lovely rock garden!!! It was truely lovely. He was polite and we told him we would quietly worries!!
The second bust was with Jess, last night!! We were walking K2's hood, and saw some great homes, then this one icky one with wierd lights and 4th of July decorations. We were looking at the lights wrapped in pipes, and the owner came out to say Hello. He was so proud of his clever props, and wanted to visit. I felt very sheepish, as he was sooo friendly and wanted some company.
I am learning many lessons about people while i am being nosey and picky about yards..

Monday, July 19, 2010

Yard ornaments

This is a nice example of welcoming yard ornaments.. This is a poor example of
yard ornaments.

When i am walking the neighborhoods, i notice Yard Ornaments and how they enhance or detract from the yard appeal..
first of all, a basketball hoop, nor a trampoline, officially qualifies as a Yard Ornament, unless you live in Utah. I bet they sell them at Target in the home and garden center...
Another pet peeve, is the Fischer Price Toy collection tossed around a yard. There are pink playhouses, play yards, slides, forts, Big Wheels, Tyke bikes, and assorted table and chairs for kids. Once again...NO ONE USES THEM!! Parents have garages, back yards, basements, and sheds to store the plastic icons of childhood..these are NOT eye catching/yard enhancing ornaments!! and a big waste of money!! These toys seem to develop into various goalie nets, bikes, bow and arrows, 3 wheelers, and dirt bikes tossed around the house and yard..

When it is time for dinner, how about calling..."Dinner is ready....put your gear away where it belongs, and come and eat"!! That is easy!

It is also beyond me, why every home has their own trampoline and basketball hoop. It is like a mandate...3 car garage, deck, porch, tree in corner of yard,,,trampoline and hoop.. I rarely see anyone using these sets of equipment. It might be a good idea to have a few families go in together..then the kids may actually play together.
My idea of yard ornaments are: wind chimes, gnomes, angels, lighthouses, banners, frogs, garden ladies, fairies, welcome signs, pinwheels, and brass animals. Plastic flowers, large inflatable ornaments, stuffed , taxidermy animals, old holiday decorations, and broken down cars on blocks are never acceptable yard ornaments.
I heard on a HGTV segment that Personal yard ornaments should be relegated to the back yard. This is a fun place to put your favorite yard deco to show fam, friends and neighbors what is important to you. It is also a good way to bring energy into quiet corners, highlight an area, or show a fun collection from years of Mother's Day and Teacher Gifts-)..

Placement is important in that matching some characteristic; color, materials, size, charactature, numbers, shapes, celebratory considered when placing. Some people go overboard, some people don;t add enough...the fun is in taking some time over the summer to continually check out the yard and see it from others' eyes and perspective. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish when you set your lawn and style.
I have a way too many shepherd hooks, so i decided to move them to each corner of the yard...and a couple to set off a couple of planters...they all match, so i think it looks ok... i have my windchimes; one from Maine (family), one that is copper, so i like it in front, one from Auntie Karen with a cool light inside, and one for my husband...a group of dolpins.. he likes the ocean-)
I have a few angels..two for friends who passed away, and i like to think there was a blessing or two from that, one for my dad, who loves(d) brass characters, and one for the little insects that I actually like..there are a few I enjoy killing on the spot!

I have my bird feeders placed over grasses so the seed doesn't fall into beds, a bath for them.. they rarely use it, but i want it there if they do..there are a few feeders that should be thrown away if i listened to my own advice, but i can't bring myself to it..if you are reading this and want to throw them out...please do it for me!

I have my new banner flag for bright red metal flowers for nutrients..i heard it makes things grow, and my lady gardner, from my sister-)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

whos who..

Whos Who? Let me introduce to you my main characters;
First there is the DARLING Ahmed Hassan, a swashbuckler of the aisles of the home improvement districts! He is the host of Yard Crashers and a soil and plant specialist. His contributions to beautifying the Earth is residential landscapes. He is 'right up my alley' as Grandma would say!

Then there is my own DARLING Krissy, aka K2. She is named after me, her DARLING Mom, affectionately named K1, by my son-in-law, Daniel. He is a weed fiend in his own right! K2 is my Jimminey Cricket of sorts. She cautions me to stay within the boundaries of sound judgement and my skills and energy. K2 restrains me from being too bold, and encourages me to complete one battle(task) at a time! She also cautions me from using too many !!!!! and smiley -) faces when texting or in professional writings-)!

I also have a DARLING husband, who is the king of weed whacking!! He is rather private, so that is all i have to say about him!

Not the least of all, are my two, DARLING corgis.. Sam and Pip. They are now infamous, Sam and Pip, but that is another blog ( you can catch their adventures, and those of other DARLING corgis at!).. They are my good excuse to peruse the 'hood, peek in yards, and visit with the neighbors about their own landscaping projects..

Yes, Krissy, I know, i have used DARLING too many times.. I also haven't learned how to place photos so well yet, so you all get to guess, Who is Who-)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


When i am out walking, i have a systematic way of pulling weeds from the neighbors yards. I begin by being stealth about it....near the driveway, curb or property line....i check to see if anyone appears to be home or up and about...always stealth! B) I always choose dandelions first. I carry my 'digger' and easily pop them out. I put the dead weeds in my trash, or even their own trash can-)

After dandelions, i go for the weedy/sticky kind. They are also easy and quick to yank right up. One reason i choose this pattern, is just because that is the sequence they appear! Once i get on a roll, i just move right into the yard...clearing the weeds, picking up debris, popping off dead heads on flowers. I have collected lawn bags full, and never once stopped by anyone!!!

I choose one type of weed when I am in my own yard as is hard to ignore the other weeds, but, even though every part of my being wants to just clear out a section, i find i do much better when i go by species..
An easy way to choose a section if you are working an area, is to bring a bucket as a seat, then just clear out the area of the weeds you want. It is much more comfortable than a kneeler.

I have resorted to using weed killer on the thistle weeds. These are soo stubborn, and i hate when they return. The stickers get in the pads of my dogs paws, and ruin a good game of fetch for them or bochi ball for us! When i dig weeds, i also try and inspect the surrounding areas. This is when it becomes relaxing. I find out which shrub is doing well...what birds are nearby, how the sky looks from different the dirt feels in my hands...and soon hours have passed!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Organization and clutter

I am indeed addicted to the Home and Garden TV Show, Yard Crashers. I wish Ahmad would be at my local home improvement store, so i could say, "Sure, I will take you home"! Then, he could add a huge water feature, a party-sized hot tub, and extend my outdoor living space-)... In the mean time, i can do what i can in my own yard, my families', and the yards of my neighbors!
I think i will put my posts together under topics, or if you know me well, could be random thoughts...
this topic is organization and clutter.... i walk our neighborhoods and observe the neighbors' yards. If a trash can should be moved, i find myself, just moving it!..over to the side, where it doesn't block a window or walk. If a pot is too small or too large in one spot, i make a mental note where i would place it because i think the flower pot placement may be too personal to move. One area i just trespass and take care of it without asking is trash and weeds. If there is trash lying around, broken branches hanging, old broken pots stacked, recycle bins upside down...then i just fix them all. When i am walking our corgis, they expect the sudden stops while i bend over to collect my new treasures and stuff them in the trashcan! I know it is trespassing, but soon i don't even feel anxious about helping myself. Bird bath in the wrong place, gnomes lying on their side, tools sitting out..i just move them to where i think they belong... it goes without saying that all plastic, trash, litter, papers, cans, do not escape the recycling. I do put it in their owner's bins-) No one has ever complained....and i do think the yards look better instantly!!
As for weeds, i think that should be an entire post unto itself! stay tuned!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting Started..

So, I guess i need to explain why i would begin this blog. This need to fix yards and landscape where ever i go, has crept up over the years. It may have begun in my classroom, where i change the room, the decorations, and wall coverings for every holiday and season. The curriculum themes changed along with the settings. I could see how we all set in more comfortably when we 'matched'..when everyone had their own space, when colors, and important items were arranged to best highlight their assets. I also began to notice when other teachers were not making those changes..I wanted to help take down 'apples' in time for turkeys after December first. You get the pink in winter, no red and green in spring..

Because our family moved often, and now have a small rental business, my job was the landscaping. My husband and daughter helped with the larger jobs, but i maintained the flowers, lawns, shrubs, trees, and WEEDS! I wanted our yards to match the seasons; the tulips to be up the first of spring..the trees blossom, the perennials bloom, the leaves turn...all synchronized with the season, with no time expended in between. In particular, i was vigilant about the weeds, the dead heads on the flowers, and the grass growing where it.did.not.belong!