*notice the grass from the landofwhereitdoesn't belong!
Weed paper is expensive..When i use bark in my planters, I use the bag it came in to help with weed
control..I also use the river rock to hold down the plastic! Another hint is to use newspaper as weed control. I use this when i want it to eventually decompose. Most newspapers use soy for ink these days, so it is not harmful to your plants.
* This area of the yard, is my 'Foster Care' bed. It is full of plants that have been replanted because they were not making it in other spots...OR a neighbor gave it to me to see if i could make it come back...Or the nursery was done with it, and let me take it home..This bed is doing well. I haven't lost anything yet.. some birds have added a strawberry plant of their own to the bed...jam soon to come!
I like the idea of using the bark bags as a weed barrier :). Good one!